The Italian Workshop on Neural Networks
5 – 7 June 2024 – Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy
We welcome submissions across a broad spectrum of topics related to trustworthiness and human-centred approaches in the application of generative neural networks, including but not limited to:
We invite a wide range of contributions from experts, researchers, PhD students, and practitioners, including:
All the submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee and can be accepted for oral or poster presentation. As this is a special session, accepted contributions will be published as part of the main workshop proceedings. Each paper must comply with the Spinger conference paper format ( and must not exceed 8 pages. The paper submission is through Easy Chair ( Please refer to the main conference website for more information.
Selected papers will be invited to submit and extended versions to Journals’ Special Issues. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the special session organizers for further information.
The special session follows the main conference dates:
Please refer to the main conference website for information concerning the registration fees and deadlines (
Stefano Marrone is a Senior Research Fellow and Tenured Assistant Professor at the University of Naples Federico II, specializing in AI since 2012. He has a Ph.D. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, focused on Trustworthy AI. His expertise includes Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing, with applications in biomedical imaging, remote sensing, and forensics. Recently, he has concentrated on the ethical aspects of AI, particularly ethics, fairness, and privacy. Marrone has authored numerous papers and led international projects in these areas. He has held positions as a visiting researcher and collaborated with various European institutions, enhancing his teaching and research impact. He is actively involved in several educational programs at different levels and plays a pivotal role in the Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Masters (HCAIM) program funded by the European Commission. Additionally, Marrone has published extensively and received multiple awards for his research, including notable achievements in international competitions and significant grants for AI development projects.
Dr. Lidia Marassi is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Naples Federico II, focused on the Ethics of AI, particularly in generative models like transformer architectures and large language models. Her research spans artificial intelligence, digital ethics, and environmental protection, with a special interest in trustworthy AI and the ethical implications associated with new technologies. Marassi’s work includes exploring moral issues in human-computer interactions and the potential for social justice in AI, using philosophical theories like the Capability Approach. She also examines legal aspects of AI, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive legal and ethical framework, and investigates the environmental impact of AI technologies on sectors like agriculture and transportation. Additionally, Lidia Marassi is one of the CINI AI-IS national experts for Uninfo, working on the activities focued on the standardization of ethical and social implications of AI for the CEN/CENELEC agency.
WIRN 2024 è parzialmente finanziato da EU NextGeneration, PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.1 – D.D. 1409 del 14-09-2022 PRIN 2022 – Project code “P20222MYKE” – CUP: B53D23025980001, dal titolo “A Pilot analysIs of behavioRal and opeRational data for detEcting Socio-emotional PrEcursors of mild CogniTIVE impairments (MCI) and demEntia” (IRRESPECTIVE)